Welcome to PSYCHOBIOMACHINE HQ. You can call me K.

I'm a self-taught front-end software developer on a journey towards building full stack Web Apps and Native Apps featuring dynamic and hyper-salient UI/UX, 3D models, and games.

I have an academic background in biology, psychology (hence the name) and cognitive neuroscience. I try to incorporate these disciplines into my work by creating tactically captivating experiences and by creatively relating abstract concepts such as the physics of the universe and the organization of consciousness.

Description: queen-crown (white icon) from [game-icons.net](http://game-icons.net/)Source: Wikimedia Commons, User: Lorc Description: Github white logo svg format,
                  Source: “https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/Octicons-mark-github.svg” User: Romeo.ai17

My Projects

Here are some of my projects. I'm interested in implementing highly captivating UI elements that all connect to each other in some way, compiling into a unified user experience. I'm working towards creating more dynamic concepts featuring advanced JS libraries.

HTML & CSS | Product Landing Page

HTML & CSS | Skyline

JS | Evil Dragon Reppeller Game

HTML & CSS | Nutrition Facts Label

image of a green css art piano with a button to change its color

JS | Color Changing Piano

JS | Evil Dragon Reppeller Game

My Developer Stack | Current and Future

I'm currently learning the fundamentals of web development: HTML, CSS, JS. I will learn additional frameworks as needed in building full stack web and native apps, interactive 3D models, and games. I have some experience with python and intend to learn ML in the future. I'm excited for the journey ahead.

Current: HTML, CSS, JS, Figma, Git, Github, Tinkercad

Future: Bootstrap, React, React Native, Three.js, Blender, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, AWS, Python, TensorFlow.

Special topics

Cognitive Performance and Learning: Neurocognitive underpinnings of Working Memory, Fluid IQ, Language, the Triple Network Model, neurotransmission, and plasticity

Qualia: Sensation and Perception, Emotion, Affective Neuroscience, Embodied Cognition, the CTC-Circuit, Hemispheric Specialization, Consciousness

Physical fitness and longevity: Physiological mechanisms of development and repair, role of high volume and high intensity exercise in health and lifespan outcomes, nutrition

Restoration: Stem cell mechanics, Bio-electricity (endogenous and applied electric fields and wound healing), controlled damage

Mechanisms of action and applications: Supplements, pharmaceuticals, other drugs

PSYCHOBIOMACHINE: Phantom Body Schema, Royal Flush, The Split, Daemon Circuit

“Put two ships into an open sea. Without wind or tide, they will come together.”

Jules Verne